Péter Müller, writer
On Zsuzsa Péreli's Aequilibrium

You cannot, you must not, talk about a picture.
I have always considered it a vain and foolish attempt to exchange 
  the message of an Image for the small coins of words.
It spoils the work.
An image conveys more than ideas and emotions: 
  an image conveys an Image.


Stop before Zsuzsa Péreli’s gobelin, Aequilibirum.
And look.
Forget where you are. Forget the other pictures, drawings, paintings, 
  the people around you – and look.
And see!
Do not think of anything, do not feel anything, and above all, 
  do not try to convert in yourself your experiences into words, 
  because you will immediately kill the magic of the work.
After a while – if you look and see correctly –, the distance between you 
  and the work will disappear.
You enter the image.
You become the Angel.
Earth and Sky will also be a part of you.
Your two hands will become the hands of the Angel.
One is the Earth-hand, the other the Sky-hand.
You can feel the mystery of the thread on your fingertips.
You hold the Universe together.
You do not need much.
Two thin threads will suffice.
An Earth-thread and a Sky-thread.
And you?
You, the Angel?
You float.
To hold the Universe together – it is easy.
A trifle.
And as you lead what it above into what is below, and what is below 
  into what is above, you have a very rare experience.
You find calm.
A calm you have never had.
This is not human calm.
Or angelic calm.
This is Divine calm.
Now you can take your eyes off the work.
You can even forget about it, if you like.
You have become the Angel.


Masterworks redeem the soul.